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Post by Sunset Lady »

American-born workers have had a net loss in jobs since 2000, while all of the job growth since then has gone to immigrants, according to a remarkable new study by the Center for Immigration Studies. This revelation comes as some Republican politicians continue to flirt with amnesty and the disastrous proposal of so-called "immigration reform."
Meanwhile, a new Gallup poll proves that the American public is increasingly fed up with the high levels of immigration flooding our job market and our nation. By nearly a 2-to-1 margin, Americans want less immigration now, rather than more: 41% would like to see a decrease in immigration, while only 22% want to see immigration increase.
Among the 22% who want to expand immigration are Democrats who view illegal immigrants as a way of expanding their party's political base. But that short-sighted political motivation is certainly not good for our country, and it is devastating for the dwindling job opportunities available to Americans.
In 2000, 114.8 million Americans who were born in the United States had jobs here. Nearly a decade and a half later, in 2014, that total had decreased to 114.7 million, and millions of Americans have been unemployed for many years.
Millions of new jobs were created during that same period in the United States, but immigrant workers soaked up all that job growth. There was a net gain of 5.7 million in jobs during those 14 years, from 17.1 million in 2000 to 22.8 million in 2014, but the overall net effect was that 100% of the job growth went to immigrants and zero percent went to workers born in the U.S.A.
Steven A. Camarota is research director for the Center for Immigration Studies and the lead author of this startling report. His investigation proves that there are now 58 million Americans born in our country who do not have jobs, and that 34% of working-age Americans are without work, a number far higher than in 2000 when the number of out-of-work Americans born here was 26%.
Despite the scandal of so few jobs for Americans, the legislation pushed by Democrats for so-called immigration "reform" would vastly expand job opportunities for immigrants at the expense of American-born workers. The Senate's misguided "Gang of Eight" bill would sharply increase the numbers of legal and illegal immigrants in our country, far above the 40 million who are already here, plus adding an incentive for many more to enter our nation illegally.
Republican Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama has been a leader against expanding immigration under the guise of the phony "immigration reform," and he persuasively explains how hurtful unrelenting immigration is for our nation and especially for U.S. workers. He observed that the recent findings in this report by the Center for Immigration Studies "are shocking, and represent a dramatic indictment of immigration policy in Washington, D.C."
In the last presidential election, Mitt Romney lost because he failed to attract the support of millions of working-class Americans who have been hit the hardest by the harmful consequences of liberal demands for more and more immigration. Senator Sessions wisely advises Republican leadership to "sever themselves from these demands and present themselves to the American public as the one party focused on everyday working people."
Senator Sessions is obviously right in counseling that "the sensible, conservative, fair thing to do after 40 years of record immigration is to slow down, allow assimilation to occur, allow wages to rise, and to help workers of all backgrounds rise together into the middle class." Republican Majority Leader Eric Cantor was defeated in a landslide in his own primary after failing to heed this advice; will other Republican leaders finally get the message?
Meanwhile, the Democrats’ and media demands for "immigration reform" have had another devastating effect on our nation: attracting a projected 100,000 children to cross our Mexican border illegally in this year alone, and bringing with them contagious diseases that could "spread like wildfire" according to Jane Orient, M.D. "Legal immigrants have always been required to undergo health screenings," Dr. Orient explained, "but these kids coming have no medical screenings and no vaccine records."
The doctor observed that many childhood diseases have been largely and wonderfully eradicated from our country, such as measles and chicken pox, but that leaves Americans without natural immunity against them. If they are brought into this country by unlawful immigration, then they can spread quickly, and young doctors who have never seen some of these diseases may be slow to recognize them.
Noroviruses are highly contagious infections which carry symptoms of diarrhea and vomiting. "All we need is one outbreak of that virus and we would have an overwhelming public health crisis," Dr. Orient warned. ... rants-Gain
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Post by imaposer »

Wow, what a great scare article. Sounds a bit one sided. I'll grab a few of my favorite parts.....
Among the 22% who want to expand immigration are Democrats....
Yes, I'm sure among those 22% are all kinds of people. Nice to see they use the loose term to make it sound like it's all D's.
In 2000, 114.8 million Americans who were born in the United States had jobs here. Nearly a decade and a half later, in 2014, that total had decreased to 114.7 million
Why, how horrible! Both my parents fall in to that category, those bastard immigrants! Oh wait, my moms happily retired, living the dream, and my dads dead. Can't see how Immigration had anything to do with those two, and I'm sure the millions and millions more like them. 8-|
His investigation proves that there are now 58 million Americans born in our country who do not have jobs
Once again, ignoring the baby boom bubble, and the influx of retired people, not to mention living longer in retirement.

Now, look past all the articles by political parties trying to tell you what to think. Let's see, who wants the illegals who stream across the border and take the blue collar middle class jobs? The good ole union boys who vote D, or the rich business owners who are wanting a workforce that's easier to manipulate and are willing to do the same job for pennies on the dollar? :-? Seen many union drywallers or roofers lately? :-?

And oh yeah, the part about more jobs going to immigrants than american born workers? I bet that's been going on for a couple hundred years now......
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Post by katie »

The exact numbers are not important here. What is important is that American's are truly just sick of being told that we need to embrace the whole freaking world and be happy to work for all. We're doing enough of that for our own citizens now.

Not only Mexican families are coming over that border. If you really believe that imaposer, then I will have no problem leading them to your neighborhood... =;

Seems the few of us here on the forum who have the balls to speak up are not the only ones... ... 43806.html

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Post by E_ »

:ymapplause: :ymcowboy:
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Post by katie »

Here's a number for ya.... MORE THAN 47,000 since Oct. Nothing to sneeze at eh? I'm sure that number is probably a little on the low side, but that's just a guess... ;)

Detainees are escorted to an area to make phone calls as hundreds of mostly Central American immigrant children are being processed and held at the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Nogales Placement Center in Nogales, Arizona, June 18, 2014. CBP provided media tours Wednesday of two locations in Brownsville, Texas, and Nogales, that have been central to processing the more than 47,000 unaccompanied children who have entered the country illegally since October 1, 2013. (REUTERS/Ross D. Franklin/Pool) ... 43806.html

This is approximately 5,300 "children" (I use that term lightly) per month! From what I have seen, they're mostly teenagers who are considered old enough to take care of themselves in the countries they're coming from but we baby ours until they're 21.

Hell, I had a job when I was 13 yrs old. Now kids have to get a damned permit when they're 16.
Oh, and we have enough UNEMPLOYED teenagers in this country already. :-s
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Post by Sunset Lady »

katie wrote:The exact numbers are not important here. What is important is that American's are truly just sick of being told that we need to embrace the whole freaking world and be happy to work for all. We're doing enough of that for our own citizens now.

Not only Mexican families are coming over that border. If you really believe that imaposer, then I will have no problem leading them to your neighborhood... =;

Seems the few of us here on the forum who have the balls to speak up are not the only ones... ... 43806.html


These families have all kinds of health problems and diseases, some of which the US have controlled for years. A lot of money and resources will have to be used to pay for all of them. Not to mention the fact that theses illnesses will be passed on to others.
If the border was secured this would not have occurred.
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Post by E_ »

Sunset Lady wrote:If the border was secured this would not have occurred.
Exactly and no new law needs to be passed to DO THAT. Just BS from the politicians, we already have immigration laws that are being ignored.
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Post by Captain Bob »

Hate to speak in such generalized terms but, at the risk of hurting any feelings, here are some personal observations:

Yes, there was a time when a majority of "able-bodied" teenagers were working and earning money. Today, many of our "American-born" teenagers spend more time watching TV and/or playing video games than they do working or even looking for jobs. I wonder why that is?

There was a time when teenagers and a majority of adults had to work to "earn" the things they needed -or simply wanted. Today, its unusual for that age group to have to work to get the things they need or want. I wonder why that is?

Look around the next time that you are out shopping, eating or having work done for you. Who do you see working in these "low-level" or "starting wage jobs"? When was the last time that you saw someone that you know (or that your kids went to school with) was working in one of those jobs? I wonder why that is?

As a taxpayer I find it ridiculous to spend millions (billions?) putting up walls and fences along our southern border, equipping it with the latest technology to detect "intruders" and then training, equipping, paying and supporting thousands of professionals to keep it secure ---only to "welcome" these "intruders" with food, clothing, and (temporary) housing. Then, providing air-conditioned buses and free plane fare to other states where they might be "assimilated" into communities that are "foreign" and perhaps unwelcoming to them. I wonder why that is?

Perhaps a better plan would be for these aforementioned "able-bodied" teenagers and young adults to put their toys away, look for a job (even if it is low-paying and currently held by an "illegal"), pay taxes, vote when able, and actually become part of the "solution" instead of disinterested watchers from the sidelines.
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Post by E_ »

Mine will work when she gets older.
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Post by JLA »

I can't tell you how many of my friends kids have never held a job WHEN THEY GRADUATED COLLEGE!! I have worked since I was old enough to push a lawnmower, then a had a paper route, and when I was old enough to drive I got a "real" job. I have been looking for a part time worker for my store for about 3 weeks and have only received 2 apps. The main reason, I feel, is because on the sign I have that I will be doing background checks, and drug screenings on the new hires. No one can pass a drug test. The last person I had a background check done on had 3 active felony warrants out on them. Sad times to own a small business.
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Post by Lock5 »

I agree with the good Captain...............

I can fix the imigration issue with a two sentance bill.

1. Anyone receiving any Government aid, will submit 3 applications in person per week or risk being incarcerated.........
(that will get people up and off their assses, once up they will figure out working isn't all that bad.........)

2. Anyone receiving any Government Aid will receive it in Coupons, Coupons will be issued in books 24"x24" any coupon removed from the book before presentation for payment will be voided.
(make it a tad bit uncomfortable, and see how many continue to want to participate when they don't have a cute little card.)

That 2 line bill will put millions of people back to work in entry level jobs. When the poor in America start to compete with the poor from Mexico for the same jobs. The poor from Mexico will go back home all by themselves.

My 14 year old weedeats almost a mile of black plank fence, inside and outside every other week.......and he has since he was twelve.
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Post by Sunset Lady »

JLA wrote:2. Anyone receiving any Government Aid will receive it in Coupons, Coupons will be issued in books 24"x24" any coupon removed from the book before presentation for payment will be voided.(make it a tad bit uncomfortable, and see how many continue to want to participate when they don't have a cute little card.)
Food coupons used to come in small books, years ago. The cashier had to be the one to remove the 5,10, and 20 dollar coupon or the coupon was not valid. The one dollar coupon they could use, as that was how change was given.
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