From Mike Huckabee

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From Mike Huckabee

Post by Sunset Lady »

Well said. ... ye-george/

George Will has virtually declared, “Enough of those ruffians and peasants who went and voted in record numbers in the recent Republican primary,” so he’s headed for the door, announcing that he is leaving the Republican Party.
Don’t let the door whack you in the behind as you leave! Were we all supposed to say, “Oh no! How on earth will the GOP even organize a county committee meeting without George Will there to instruct us on what to think and especially how to behave in the proper way?”

I’m sure the party would survive if I left, and I’m sure it will survive if George leaves. So sorry, George, that it had to be YOUR way or NO way, but personally, I liked your baseball writing a lot more than your political writing.

George once called me “disgusting” over one of my utterly “disgusting” views of faith that he, the self-proclaimed atheist, found revolting. So in his own little party of one, he won’t have to tolerate the likes of my Southern, redneck, grits-eating, gravy-slathering, less-than-Ivy League-educated, church-going kind. And all those hard hat and factory workers who lost jobs, pensions, homes, and their sense of self-worth because of the brilliant globalist policies that the elites pushed as “good for us” will now know that the party of Lincoln and Reagan will again have some respect for the “little people” that the George types looked down their noses at. Lincoln is quoted as saying that “God must have loved the common man because he made so many of them.” Reagan’s election coined the term “Reagan Democrats” that represented the many working men and women who were ignored and held in contempt by the “swells” of both parties.

In my book, God, Guns, Grits, and Gravy, I talked about the difference between people who were educated and those who were smart. Some very well-educated folks aren’t that smart (as Southern comedian Brother Dave Gardner put it, “Some folks are ‘educated’ way beyond their intelligence”), and some folks like the ones I grew up with may not have been well-educated, but were truly smart.

They knew that we would lose America if the only ones making money were the ones who owned the companies and who robbed Americans of jobs that shipped to Mexico, China, or Indonesia. They knew that the Ivy League politicians who continued to live off credit by running up trillions of huge national debt would face a day of reckoning. They knew that having open borders so that we looked the other way as masses of people poured into the country illegally would lower wages and strain the budgets of states trying to educate, medicate, and incarcerate the hordes of new arrivals. They knew that losing a sense of pride and nationalism for America first and creeping into the multicultural, politically correct, and globalist “one world order” would turn America into a wussy, wobbly, and weak country where people showed up illegally, waved flags of their home country, burned ours, and demanded that we give them instructions and education in their native language, drivers licenses, healthcare and maybe even the right to vote.

George Will doesn’t like Donald Trump. He didn’t like me, either. Come to think it, he also didn’t like Bill O’Reilly. He famously got it into with Bill on TV and ended up getting shredded by his Bill-ship. (Note to self: not smart to get into argument with Bill O’Reilly on his show—Bill lets loose with the street-fighting Irish instinct he learned in a blue collar, working class neighborhood on Long Island, and his passion to stand up for the “little guy” means that he will basically beat the crap out of those who try to take his turf.)

But as much as I wish Republican voters had given me their nomination, they gave it to Donald Trump. And it wasn’t that he barely won. He got more votes than any Republican in nomination history. And Republicans ELECT our nominee, we don’t delegate the process to backroom bosses who SELECT our nominee. I’m staying and will help Donald Trump become President. George Will, Mitt Romney, Bill Kristol and a handful of others are in full-pout and have left.

To those who boast of leaving the GOP, I respect your decision. It’s a free country, and you can go as you please. But your stewardship of the GOP hasn’t been that stellar for the “folks,” so forgive me if I don’t beg you to reconsider. You decided to leave. I have decided to do everything possible to stop “Hellary” from continuing the slide of this nation into the abyss. And it appears that a lot of Americans, like me, are ready for a fight to keep their country and their culture.
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Re: From Mike Huckabee

Post by E_ »

Buy American, the job you save just might be your own.
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Re: From Mike Huckabee

Post by No Patience »

I have to agree. The way I see it there little choice, but to vote for Trump if you are an American that loves this country. Clinton will run this country so far into the ground that it will no longer exist. We have to stop Clinton and the Party needs to come together and forget about their individual power, WE NEED TO THINK OF WHAT IS BEST FOR AMERICA, not what is best for the individual. GOD save the USA!!!
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Re: From Mike Huckabee

Post by re3too » Trump vote will not be FOR him but AGAINST Hillary. Truly breaks my heart.... :ymsigh:
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Re: From Mike Huckabee

Post by Mary Lou 2 »

re3too Trump vote will not be FOR him but AGAINST Hillary. Truly breaks my heart.... :ymsigh:

I totally agree. It seems most elections have come down to this.
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Re: From Mike Huckabee

Post by re3too »

Mary Lou 2 wrote:
re3too Trump vote will not be FOR him but AGAINST Hillary. Truly breaks my heart.... :ymsigh:

I totally agree. It seems most elections have come down to this.
Holy chit! You jist agreed wif me! :ymdevil:
"The language of friendship is not words but meaning." (Henry David Thoreau)
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