whooooweeeee! Got imaposers goat didn't I???
Well, I don't know if you have ever BEEN on welfare, known anyone on welfare, or even
witnessed the
FRAUD that goes on in welfare, but I would imagine these numbers reperesent the dollar value that is sent to each state, given the number of "people" who file for help (kind of like have 104% voting...), or receive help (which I imagine includes unemployment). I have witnessed the abuse of the system and kept my mouth shut but you can d@mn well take it to the bank that I will
NEVER let that happen again.
IF, and that is a BIG IF, you truly read it without getting pi$$y first, it states all and any type of benefits, including medicare, housing, etc. (do you have any idea how many housing/apartment facilities there are in my town of 30,000 that will NOT rent to you if you "make to much"???? F'ing ridiculous! Well, how do you think they do this??? They are subsidized by the FEDS, aka US!!!! My taxes pay for that chit but my kids wouldn't even be able to get a decent apartment because they make $1,000 a year too much....
I usually only believe about 50% of what I read, and advise others to do so as well (espcially if I have no link to prove it, but then again, that information is only as good as the person writing the freaking article, depending on what their political beliefs are at the time, even the feds are fudging info, so much for your leaders
transparency promise, smh).
P.S. I can answer yes to all of the above in case you're wondering and I still witness the abuses of the system while we still have hungry children right here in our town.
Possibly this kind of crappy waste has something to do with those numbers as well....
"Apparently Virginia had one of the lowest Food Stamp mistake rates in the nation - wasting “only” $19 million. As a result, they are rewarded with a $2 million bonus from the USDA for a job well done. We shouldn’t waste money on wasteful spending rewards - even if it is the lowest in the nation. SHARE if you agree!
http://watchdog.org/100846/feds-award-v ... -payments/