General Rules etc.

Moderator: E_

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Posts: 14813
Joined: Fri Oct 24, 2008 10:26 pm
Marina/Ramp: Currently mostly out of Jamestown but spend a lot of time at the other Marinas.

Pre2012-Conley Bottom Mostly, Waitsboro, Alligator I&II ramps, Leesford, Pulaski County Park (when it has water), Grider, State Dock (via boat), and Jamestown are a few places you might find me.
Location: Kentucky (Lake Cumberland)

General Rules etc.

Post by E_ »

For the most part we are a faily loosly moderated site. Below is some information and tips on using the site. See also viewtopic.php?f=30&t=3

Warning. Your postings on this public forum will become public. Your text will be available to anyone with an internet connection.

By using this web site, you agree to be contacted by site administration, regardless of your account settings, when it becomes necessary to do so regarding your account activity.

1. Treat other members with respect. This should go without saying, but treat others like you would like to be treated !

2. Please do not spam. The definition of spam is an irrelevant or advertising post. Any post considered spam will be removed.

3. There are no real rules on picture sizes that you post but if replying in someone else's thread it is generally best to keep photos at 800x600 or below. This is considerate to members with slow internet speeds, and keeps the forum looking tidy. However if you want to start your own thread with gigantic photos have to it. lol

4. Insulting and flaming or personal attacks against forum, forum members or staff will be not tolerated.

5. Please be considerate in language you use on the forum, some of our members are younger than others. Swearing is not completely banned, just do not swear unnecessarily, and only use minor words. A filter is in place to safeguard this system. Racism is also not acceptable in any direction.

6. No hacking, and illegal activity, such as torrents and illegal downloads, this will not be tolerated, and if appropriate, may be reported to local authority.

7. Please do not post inappropriate material, I think everyone understands what I mean by this. The policy goes that if you would not feel comfortable viewing it at work, or in front of children or parents, don't post it ! least not without a warning on the thread title but generally any nudity etc. is not allowed.

8. THIS FORUM is not for bashing other sites and it will not be tolerated especially of other Lake Sites.

9. Please do not post links to this forum on other forums without the permission of the admins of the other forums. You are welcome however to post links to them if they allow it and the content is permissible and you are not breaking rule number 8 or any of the other rules.

The biggest thing is, don't be an issue. Don't post stuff that has to be regularly moderated. Doing so, (even if I like you) if you are not banned you will most certainly be placed in the moderation queue where all of your posts have to be approved. New members are also in this queue until it is obvious they are hopefully not spammers or trolls.

Trolling is posting for the purpose of provoking a negative reaction from another. It can be from the general forum or a specific person. If you see a post that is trolling, please report it to staff immediately and ignore it thereafter.

As a FYI, these sites have some good info to understand: Last paragraph is good. Most people do not realize if they attempt to cause issues on websites their activity can be reported to their ISP. Repeated reports can cause a ISP to drop a customer is it is costing them more to handle issues then it is worth.

Luckily we do not have this issue here at the moment but I figured since some sites took the time to warn this in their policies I might should have it here too.
Simply put if your actions violate your ISP's Terms of Use, you could lose your service.

Secondly, if your ISP is held liable for your acts, your ISP could hold you liable for any damages suffered by them ... ?tabid=145
Suspension or termination of membership

In the case where rules are violated, your membership of the Forum may be terminated and access blocked; alternatively a members posts may be made subject to moderator sight before they appear in the forum. Should any of these actions become necessary, the member may be advised by email. Repeated transgression will result in your account being banned and your ISP being informed.

When all else fails understand we are all here for the love of Boating and Lake Cumberland. Be nice to one another, kidding as long as both parties are ok with it is ok but understand it has its limits. If someone ask to you back off please do so. unto others... We can all get along. The rules are faily loose here but the general idea is understand anything you post here could be modified or deleted completely for any or no reason. You post at your own will and even if a specific rule is not written discretion is up to the moderators and admins to do as needed. Those individuals have better things to do than deal with petty unwanted trolling or pranks thus if a member becomes a issue that has to be managed they may be banned with little or not reasoning.

Cyber-Bullying & Cyber-Stalking
Cyber-Bullying is when one person or a group uses modern interactive technologies to harass someone. They are strictly for negative reactions only to antagonize others. Cyber-Bullying will not be tolerated under any circumstances. This is not allowed in any of the forum, posts, private messages, userpages, profiles, signatures, visitor messages, avatars, etc., nor is the forum allowed to be used as a medium for gathering information to aid in Cyber-Bullying or Cyber-Stalking elsewhere.

The practice of Cyber-Bullying is not limited to children and, while the behavior is identified by the same definition in adults, the distinction in age groups is referred to as Cyber-Stalking or Cyberharassment when perpetrated by adults toward adults. A pattern of repeated such actions against a target by and between adults constitutes Cyber-Stalking. Violating this rule is punishable up to permanent ban and IP block.

Cyberstalking and the LawWith personal information becoming readily available to an increasing number of people through the Internet and other advanced technology, state legislators are addressing the problem of stalkers who harass and threaten their victims over the World Wide Web. Stalking laws and other statutes criminalizing harassment behavior currently in effect in many states may already address this issue by making it a crime to communicate by any means with the intent to harass or alarm the victim.
States have begun to address the use of computer equipment for stalking purposes by including provisions prohibiting such activity in both harassment and anti-stalking legislation (Riveira, 1,2). A handful of states, such as Alabama, Arizona, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, New Hampshire and New York have specifically including prohibitions against harassing electronic, computer or e-mail communications in their harassment legislation. Alaska, Oklahoma, Wyoming, and more recently, California, have incorporated electronically communicated statements as conduct constituting stalking in their anti-stalking laws. A few states have both stalking and harassment statutes that criminalize threatening and unwanted electronic communications. Other states have laws other than harassment or anti-stalking statutes that prohibit misuse of computer communications and e-mail, while others have passed laws containing broad language that can be interpreted to include cyberstalking behaviors (Gregorie).

> Recent federal law has addressed cyberstalking as well. The Act, passed in 2000, made cyberstalking a part of the federal interstate stalking statute. Other federal legislation that addresses cyberstalking has been introduced recently. Be careful what you post and understand why certain attacks can not be allowed as this site does not have time to deal with litigation because a member of this forum decided to post attacks about someone else.

Remember it doesn't have to be in the open, what you say here via Private Messages is backed up on servers and can also be pulled or even via the e-mail feature. Thus be very careful what you state to a member you have a disagreement with. Say you have a issue with a member on the forum and you imply you can't wait to see them or that you can't wait to get eye to eye with them etc. These types of messages can get you in a situation as well.
•Interstate Stalking (1996; 2000). Section 2261A(1) makes it a federal crime to travel across state, tribal or international lines to stalk another person with " the intent to kill, injure, harass, or intimidate another person." Section 2261A(2) makes it a federal crime to stalk another person across state, tribal or international lines, using regular mail, email, or the Internet. The stalker must have the intent to kill, injure, harass, intimidate or cause substantial emotional distress, or to place a victim or a victim's family member, spouse or intimate partner in fear of death or serious bodily injury. (18 U.S.C. Section 2261A)

•Interstate Violation of a Protection Order (1994; 2000). Section 2262(a)(1) makes it a federal crime to travel across state, tribal, or international lines with the intent to violate a protection order and to subsequently engage in conduct that violates that order. Section 2262(a)(2) makes it a federal crime to compel another person to cross state, tribal, or international lines by force, coercion, duress, or fraud and to subsequently engage in conduct that violates a protection order. (18 U.S.C. Section 2262)

•Federal Domestic Violence Firearm Prohibitions (1994; 1996). Section (g) (8) makes it a federal crime to possess a firearm or ammunition if subject to a "qualifying" protection order issued on behalf of a spouse or intimate partner. Section (g)(9) makes it a federal crime, punishable by up to 10 years in prison, to possess a firearm or ammunition if convicted in any state or federal court of a "qualifying" misdemeanor crime of domestic violence. (18 U.S.C. Section 922)

•Interstate Communications. This statute makes it a federal crime to transmit in interstate or foreign communications any threat to kidnap or injure another person. (18 U.S.C. Section 875(c))

•Harassing Telephone Calls in Interstate Communications. This statute makes it a federal crime to use a telephone or other telecommunications device to annoy, abuse, harass, or threaten another person at the called number. (47 U.S.C. Section 223(a)(1)(C))

Terms of Use - Copyrights
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* If any user does not follow the policies outlined, action will have to be taken by either the Moderators or the Administrators. The first step may be a warning (it may also be banning). A warning (which will include the reason for the warning) may be a reply in the offending thread, an email to the user or a private message to the user. If after the warning there is another problem, a suspension or ban may be enforced. If you try to circumvent the suspension or ban, your actions will be reported to your ISP. If you choose to register a new alias after being banned, you will be banned again and your actions will be reported to your ISP. If you post on behalf of someone who has been banned, you will receive a warning. If you continue posting for a banned member after being warned, you will be banned as well. Suspended/banned members will lose any awards, reputation points or other similar recognitions received prior to being suspended/banned. Before any ban is enforced, more than one staff member will review it. All banning decisions by Administrators are final and binding

Other info http://forum-services-review.toptenrevi ... -tips.html

Now that we have all of that our of the way (i am sure more will be added later)

BY NO WAY IS THE ABOVE INFO THE FINAL end set. Moderators and Admins can decide what and when they feel they need to enforce any of the above or just make up their own rule for that moment if they so choose. Hopefully all will be well here and there will be no need to refer to this thread. ;) :ymhug: O:-)
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Re: General Rules etc.

Post by Nebrios »

Well....I didnt see a section on pot stirring or anything related to chit....looks like im in the clear.... :D
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Site Admin
Posts: 14813
Joined: Fri Oct 24, 2008 10:26 pm
Marina/Ramp: Currently mostly out of Jamestown but spend a lot of time at the other Marinas.

Pre2012-Conley Bottom Mostly, Waitsboro, Alligator I&II ramps, Leesford, Pulaski County Park (when it has water), Grider, State Dock (via boat), and Jamestown are a few places you might find me.
Location: Kentucky (Lake Cumberland)

Re: General Rules etc.

Post by E_ »

lol, its kinda like on a job description. ...other duties as assigned.

Last bumped by E_ on Tue Dec 23, 2014 2:19 pm.
Buy American, the job you save just might be your own.
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