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Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 4:42 pm
by katie
Ok, I know this is a little political but if I put it there, some would not see this. (move it if you want to E)

If this is not ILLEGAL, it should be. I know many have pulled this trick but now we get to know about it!!! Our President, FLEXIBLE, if nothing else.... I wonder what else is out there..... :-s X( X( X(

"The White House has asked Lockheed-Martin NOT to issue notices of lay-offs until December (after the election).

Lockheed Martin is going to lay off 123,000 defense workers due to Obama's downsizing of the military. This hit the Drudge report yesterday. This is true!

The law requires Lockheed to give 60-day notice to all to-be-fired employees within 60 days. That drop dead date would be November 1st. Since this would be bad for the election, Obama has promised that our government would cover all Lockheed severance packages to fired employees if Lockheed would not release the names and locations of those losing their jobs until after the election!"

This will never show up in the news. This posting is from a defense contract newspaper called The Hill. Read details below: ... hell-block


Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 6:14 pm
by imaposer
Yes, this should be in the political forum as it is plainly an attempted smear against our president.
Lockheed and BAE have no idea what is going to happen as a result of the upcoming mandatory spending cuts, which are in supposed to go in to effect Jan.1. They both threatened to send layoff notices to all their employees right before the election saying they may have to be laid off at the beginning of the year, which is hogwash as what and where the cuts are going to be haven't even been figured out yet. A pure political play to get the gov't to give them even more guarantees in tax money next year.
And also, it isn't Obama who is doing these cuts. These are the mandatory cuts that were put in place as a worst case result of the two parties not being able to work together and come up with a new budget. And of course, the two parties won't work together and do that until their backs are to the wall and time has run out.

In other conspiracy news, gas will be under $3.00/gal just in time for the election. More work of the all powerful Obama? =))


Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 6:18 pm
by imaposer
Here, straight fromLockheed.
DATE: October 1, 2012
TO: All Lockheed Martin Employees
FROM: Bob Stevens, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Chris Kubasik, Vice Chairman, President and Chief Operating Officer

SUBJECT: An Update on Sequestration-Related WARN Notices

For the better part of this year, we and others in industry and government have worked to raise awareness in Congress as to the devastating effects of sequestration -- the federal law passed last year through the Budget Control Act that forces automatic across-the-board cuts in government spending. In July, we informed you that, without clear direction from the government about how these cuts would be implemented, the corporation could issue conditional Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) notices to a substantial number of employees.

We have been working closely with the government to understand our obligations under the WARN Act and to ensure our employees are provided fair treatment and appropriate notice, if their jobs are impacted by sequestration. On Friday afternoon the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the Department of Defense (DOD) released guidance clarifying responsibilities under the WARN Act and outlining their timeline for making sequestration-related program decisions.

After careful review of the additional guidance provided by the Office of Management and Budget and the Department of Defense, we will not issue sequestration-related WARN notices this year. The additional guidance offered important new information about the potential timing of DOD actions under sequestration, indicating that DOD anticipates no contract actions on or about 2 January, 2013, and that any action to adjust funding levels on contracts as a result of sequestration would likely not occur for several months after 2 Jan. The additional guidance further ensures that, if contract actions due to sequestration were to occur, our employees would be provided the protection of the WARN Act and that the costs of this protection would be allowable and recoverable.

We remain firm in our conviction that the automatic and across-the-board budget reductions under sequestration are ineffective and inefficient public policy that will weaken our civil government operations, damage our national security, and adversely impact our industry. We will continue to work with leaders in our government to stop sequestration and find more thoughtful, balanced, and effective solutions to our nation’s challenges.

If sequestration were to happen, we are compelled to comply with the law and will do so as respectfully and as ably as we can. While we work to stop sequestration we will also continue to petition the government to outline exactly how sequestration will be implemented so that we can responsibly prepare for the impact to our employees and our business. We will keep you informed through direct communication and our LM News series.

Your commitment to delivering to our customers has never wavered despite the uncertainty that sequestration has caused. We’re proud of your resilience and appreciate your continued focus on our global security mission. Our values and integrity distinguish us, and will continue to distinguish us into the future.


Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 7:28 pm
by Lock5
Great Leaders are able to get folks that disagree to come together and do great things................ our leader has never shown to be great at anything other than blaming others and trying to degrade the opposition to anything he doesn't agree with. That all going to change in about 15 days............