Remember 9/11

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Remember 9/11

Post by E_ »

Remember 9/11... ... 1-attacks/

Posted: Sep 11, 2009 5:54 AM
Updated: Sep 11, 2009 6:13 AM


Eight years ago Friday, the terror attacks of September 11th rocked the nation.

This year to mark the anniversary, more than 100 volunteers who worked at the World Trade Center site after the 2001 attack will read the names of victims at a ceremony near Ground Zero in New York. Vice President Joe Biden is expected to attend.

At 8:46 a.m. Friday, the Perishing Rifles ceremony is scheduled to begin in front of the University of Kentucky Main Building on Administration Drive. ROTC Cadets will honor the nearly 3,000 victims of September 11th. Then from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., there will be a reading of the names of all the 9/11 victims. An American flag will be planted on the lawn of the UK Main Building for each of the victims of the attacks.

This is the first year September 11th has been declared a national day of service. Some Americans have planned beach cleanups, making packages for soldiers and holding fundraisers
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Re: Remember 9/11

Post by $parechange »

If this doesn't bring goose bumps, then there is something wrong with you! :(( :ymsigh: :| :( ... id=3744991
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Re: Remember 9/11

Post by E_ »

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Re: Remember 9/11

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Never Forget!
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The 9-11 Flag Story (thanks to Retired KDFWR911 for bringing

Post by E_ »

The 9-11 Flag Story (thanks to Retired KDFWR911 for bringing up this story elsewhere)
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Found this ... tName=Webb
Much has been written about the flag shown in the photograph. Here are some of the more common questions asked about the flag:

The flag came off a near-by yacht docked behind the World Trade Center. Firefighter Dan McWilliams from Ladder 157 spotted the flag and flagpole and became inspired to move the flag and flagpole to West Street where rescue crews were desperately working. By September 13, the photo had already received so much attention that the public started asking about the both the flag and firefighters

Is the flag American made?
Yes. It was originally manufactured by Eder Flag Manufacturing located in Oakcreek, Wisconsin.

Who owned the flag?
The flag came off of a 130-ft. yacht named " Star of America, " owned by Shirley Dreifus of the Majestic Star company in New York. According to an article that appeared in USA Today on January 10, 2002, Ms. Dreifus noticed her flag was missing when she came to inspect the boat after the attack. People at the marina witnessed the firefighters taking the flag and were able to inform Ms. Dreifus that it was her flag that had apparently been raised in the now-famous photo.

Were they the original owners of the flag?
No. The flag and yacht were sold to Majestic Star in 1997. Previously, both were owned by Mr. Dudley Webb, owner of the Jamestown Resort and Marina in Jamestown, KY. According to a story by Gina Kinslow, printed in the Glasgow Daily Times (Kenutcky) on January 20, 2002: Mr. Webb kept a box of flags on the yacht from the Eder Flag Manufacturing.

Who sold the Flag?
Mr. Webb purchased the flag from Paul Edwards, a Park City, KY, resident, who is a manufacturer's representative for Eder Flag Manufacturing. Now our Current Location in Park City , KY..

Where did the flag go afterwards?
Because of the photograph, the flag immediately became a symbol of the indomitable American spirit. Still smelling of smoke, the flag was immediately transported to the crew of the USS Theodore Roosevelt en route to Afghanistan. It was then shared with six other military ships before returning to New York City. On Monday, April 1, 2002, the flag was raised formally in front of New York's City Hall. All three of the firefighters who had originally raised the flag at the World Trade on September 11 were in attendance in places of honor. After flying over City Hall for a week, the flag is rotating among various city police and firehouses. It is transported in a case crafted by the Navy
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Re: Remember 9/11

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Another easier to read site than the cached one I pulled up
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Re: Remember 9/11

Post by kdfwr911 »

Thanks for that story E_H. I didn't know a lot of that information myself. :)
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Re: Remember 9/11

Post by Pop-O »

Never forget?? Most will as the years go by. Just a little over a week ago was V - J day. The official surrender of Japan in WW II, Not a mention anywhere that I saw. D -Day hardly gets a mention anymore. A few of us on the forums usually make a post about it. SAD
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Re: Remember 9/11

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I am ashamed to admit that many my age and under don't even know what D Day is...
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Re: Remember 9/11

Post by E_ »

One thing however that I haven't forgotten but continue to forget was also 9-11. Was...
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Re: Remember 9/11

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Re: Remember 9/11

Post by JLA »

I have that picture hanging in my kitchen. Sad to hear that is is missing.

Just saw that a New York firefighter was sworn in today who's father was a firefighter that died 9/11. 13 years to follow in her father's footsteps. Congrats to her.
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Re: Remember 9/11

Post by E_ »

September 11: Chronology of terror

September 12, 2001 Posted: 12:27 PM EDT (1627 GMT)

8:45 a.m. (all times are EDT): A hijacked passenger jet, American Airlines Flight 11 out of Boston, Massachusetts, crashes into the north tower of the World Trade Center, tearing a gaping hole in the building and setting it afire.
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9:03 a.m.: A second hijacked airliner, United Airlines Flight 175 from Boston, crashes into the south tower of the World Trade Center and explodes. Both buildings are burning.

9:17 a.m.: The Federal Aviation Administration shuts down all New York City area airports.

9:21 a.m.: The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey orders all bridges and tunnels in the New York area closed.

9:30 a.m.: President Bush, speaking in Sarasota, Florida, says the country has suffered an "apparent terrorist attack."

9:40 a.m.: The FAA halts all flight operations at U.S. airports, the first time in U.S. history that air traffic nationwide has been halted.

9:43 a.m.: American Airlines Flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon, sending up a huge plume of smoke. Evacuation begins immediately.

9:45 a.m.: The White House evacuates.

9:57 a.m.: Bush departs from Florida.

10:05 a.m.: The south tower of the World Trade Center collapses, plummeting into the streets below. A massive cloud of dust and debris forms and slowly drifts away from the building.

10:08 a.m.: Secret Service agents armed with automatic rifles are deployed into Lafayette Park across from the White House.

10:10 a.m.: A portion of the Pentagon collapses.

10:10 a.m.: United Airlines Flight 93, also hijacked, crashes in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, southeast of Pittsburgh.

10:13 a.m.: The United Nations building evacuates, including 4,700 people from the headquarters building and 7,000 total from UNICEF and U.N. development programs.

10:22 a.m.: In Washington, the State and Justice departments are evacuated, along with the World Bank.

10:24 a.m.: The FAA reports that all inbound transatlantic aircraft flying into the United States are being diverted to Canada.
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Pennsylvania crash scene

10:28 a.m.: The World Trade Center's north tower collapses from the top down as if it were being peeled apart, releasing a tremendous cloud of debris and smoke.

10:45 a.m.: All federal office buildings in Washington are evacuated.

10.46 a.m.: U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell cuts short his trip to Latin America to return to the United States.
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10.48 a.m.: Police confirm the plane crash in Pennsylvania.

10:53 a.m.: New York's primary elections, scheduled for Tuesday, are postponed.

10:54 a.m.: Israel evacuates all diplomatic missions.

10:57 a.m.: New York Gov. George Pataki says all state government offices are closed.

11:02 a.m.: New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani urges New Yorkers to stay at home and orders an evacuation of the area south of Canal Street.

11:16 a.m.: CNN reports that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is preparing emergency-response teams in a precautionary move.

11:18 a.m.: American Airlines reports it has lost two aircraft. American Flight 11, a Boeing 767 flying from Boston to Los Angeles, had 81 passengers and 11 crew aboard. Flight 77, a Boeing 757 en route from Washington's Dulles International Airport to Los Angeles, had 58 passengers and six crew members aboard. Flight 11 slammed into the north tower of the World Trade Center. Flight 77 hit the Pentagon.

11:26 a.m.: United Airlines reports that United Flight 93, en route from Newark, New Jersey, to San Francisco, California, has crashed in Pennsylvania. The airline also says that it is "deeply concerned" about United Flight 175.

11:59 a.m.: United Airlines confirms that Flight 175, from Boston to Los Angeles, has crashed with 56 passengers and nine crew members aboard. It hit the World Trade Center's south tower.

12:04 p.m.: Los Angeles International Airport, the destination of three of the crashed airplanes, is evacuated.

12:15 p.m: San Francisco International Airport is evacuated and shut down. The airport was the destination of United Airlines Flight 93, which crashed in Pennsylvania.
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12:15 p.m.: The Immigration and Naturalization Service says U.S. borders with Canada and Mexico are on the highest state of alert, but no decision has been made about closing borders.

12:30 p.m.: The FAA says 50 flights are in U.S. airspace, but none are reporting any problems.

1:04 p.m.: Bush, speaking from Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana, says that all appropriate security measures are being taken, including putting the U.S. military on high alert worldwide. He asks for prayers for those killed or wounded in the attacks and says, "Make no mistake, the United States will hunt down and punish those responsible for these cowardly acts."

1:27 p.m.: A state of emergency is declared by the city of Washington.

1:44 p.m.: The Pentagon says five warships and two aircraft carriers will leave the U.S. Naval Station in Norfolk, Virginia, to protect the East Coast from further attack and to reduce the number of ships in port. The two carriers, the USS George Washington and the USS John F. Kennedy, are headed for the New York coast. The other ships headed to sea are frigates and guided missile destroyers capable of shooting down aircraft.

1:48 p.m.: Bush leaves Barksdale Air Force Base aboard Air Force One and flies to an Air Force base in Nebraska.
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Bush: "Attacks cowardly."

2 p.m.: Senior FBI sources tell CNN they are working on the assumption that the four airplanes that crashed were hijacked as part of a terrorist attack.

2:30 p.m.: The FAA announces there will be no U.S. commercial air traffic until noon EDT Wednesday at the earliest.

2:49 p.m.: At a news conference, Giuliani says that subway and bus service are partially restored in New York City. Asked about the number of people killed, Giuliani says, "I don't think we want to speculate about that -- more than any of us can bear."

3:55 p.m.: Karen Hughes, a White House counselor, says the president is at an undisclosed location, later revealed to be Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska, and is conducting a National Security Council meeting by phone. Vice President Dick Cheney and National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice are in a secure facility at the White House. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is at the Pentagon.

3:55 p.m.: Giuliani now says the number of critically injured in New York City is up to 200 with 2,100 total injuries reported.

4 p.m: CNN National Security Correspondent David Ensor reports that U.S. officials say there are "good indications" that Saudi militant Osama bin Laden, suspected of coordinating the bombings of two U.S. embassies in 1998, is involved in the attacks, based on "new and specific" information developed since the attacks.

4:06 p.m.: California Gov. Gray Davis dispatches urban search-and-rescue teams to New York.

4:10 p.m.: Building 7 of the World Trade Center complex is reported on fire.

4:20 p.m.: U.S. Sen. Bob Graham, D-Florida, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, says he was "not surprised there was an attack (but) was surprised at the specificity." He says he was "shocked at what actually happened -- the extent of it."

4:25 p.m.: The American Stock Exchange, the Nasdaq and the New York Stock Exchange say they will remain closed Wednesday.

4:30 p.m.: The president leaves Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska aboard Air Force One to return to Washington.

5:15 p.m.: CNN Military Affairs Correspondent Jamie McIntyre reports fires are still burning in part of the Pentagon. No death figures have been released yet.

5:20 p.m.: The 47-story Building 7 of the World Trade Center complex collapses. The evacuated building is damaged when the twin towers across the street collapse earlier in the day. Other nearby buildings in the area remain ablaze.

5:30 p.m.: CNN Senior White House Correspondent John King reports that U.S. officials say the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania could have been headed for one of three possible targets: Camp David, the White House or the U.S. Capitol building.

6 p.m.: Explosions are heard in Kabul, Afghanistan, hours after terrorist attacks targeted financial and military centers in the United States. The attacks occurred at 2:30 a.m. local time. Afghanistan is believed to be where bin Laden, who U.S. officials say is possibly behind Tuesday's deadly attacks, is located. U.S. officials say later that the United States had no involvement in the incident whatsoever. The attack is credited to the Northern Alliance, a group fighting the Taliban in the country's ongoing civil war.

6:10 p.m.:Giuliani urges New Yorkers to stay home Wednesday if they can.

6:40 p.m.: Rumsfeld, the U.S. defense secretary, holds a news conference in the Pentagon, noting the building is operational. "It will be in business tomorrow," he says.

6:54 p.m.: Bush arrives back at the White House aboard Marine One and is scheduled to address the nation at 8:30 p.m. The president earlier landed at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland with a three-fighter jet escort. CNN's John King reports Laura Bush arrived earlier by motorcade from a "secure location."

7:17 p.m.: U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft says the FBI is setting up a Web site for tips on the attacks: He also says family and friends of possible victims can leave contact information at 800-331-0075.

7:02 p.m.: CNN's Paula Zahn reports the Marriott Hotel near the World Trade Center is on the verge of collapse and says some New York bridges are now open to outbound traffic.

7:45 p.m.: The New York Police Department says that at least 78 officers are missing. The city also says that as many as half of the first 400 firefighters on the scene were killed.

8:30 p.m.: President Bush addresses the nation, saying "thousands of lives were suddenly ended by evil" and asks for prayers for the families and friends of Tuesday's victims. "These acts shattered steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve," he says. The president says the U.S. government will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed the acts and those who harbor them. He adds that government offices in Washington are reopening for essential personnel Tuesday night and for all workers Wednesday.

9:22 p.m.: CNN's McIntyre reports the fire at the Pentagon is still burning and is considered contained but not under control.

9:57 p.m.: Giuliani says New York City schools will be closed Wednesday and no more volunteers are needed for Tuesday evening's rescue efforts. He says there is hope that there are still people alive in rubble. He also says that power is out on the westside of Manhattan and that health department tests show there are no airborne chemical agents about which to worry.

10:49 p.m.: CNN Congressional Correspondent Jonathan Karl reports that Attorney General Ashcroft told members of Congress that there were three to five hijackers on each plane armed only with knives.

10:56 p.m: CNN's Zahn reports that New York City police believe there are people alive in buildings near the World Trade Center.

11:54 p.m.: CNN Washington Bureau Chief Frank Sesno reports that a government official told him there was an open microphone on one of the hijacked planes and that sounds of discussion and "duress" were heard. Sesno also reports a source says law enforcement has "credible" information and leads and is confident about the investigation.
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Re: Remember 9/11

Post by Sunset Lady »

I remember that day well. Was watching the news when the second plane hit, I can remember being so shocked that this was happening in the USA
And also how eerie it was that there were no planes flying in the sky for a few days.

It was so nice to feel the patriotism of everyone, wish we had more of that feeling today.
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Re: Remember 9/11

Post by E_ »

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Re: Remember 9/11

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Re: Remember 9/11 - the Ground Zero Flag Return

Post by E_ » ... g777wgUkZ/
In the fall of 2014, a person simply identified as “Brian” dropped off a 3’x5’ American flag at an Everett, Washington, fire station. The flag and a halyard, neatly stored in a shopping bag, were carefully handed over to a firefighter.

Brian told firefighters he believed the flag was the same one famously raised by firefighters at Ground Zero shortly after the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. In the excitement of taking custody of something potentially significant, Brian slipped away before anyone could identify him.

The fire department released the flag to the Everett Police Department and detectives Massingale and Atwood were assigned to investigate. They were charged with safeguarding the flag, determining if it was authentic and returning it to the rightful owner.

The first step was to identify and interview “Brian.”

Investigators canvassed the area around the fire station looking for surveillance video. Although there were several surveillance cameras near and around the firehouse, none captured footage of Brian coming or going from the area.

Several press releases and a sketch were eventually issued asking anyone with information about Brian to come forward. Two years would pass before Brian would finally be located and interviewed.

As the investigation continued, detectives carefully examined the flag and halyard. Several light stains were plainly visible in several places on the flag. The halyard appeared to have been hastily made with rope and electrical tape. Over several days, hundreds of photographs of the flag and halyard were captured. These photographs would later be used in a photographic comparison.

Meanwhile, detectives enlisted the help of Washington State Patrol Forensic Scientist William Schneck to examine particulate debris on the flag and compare it with known debris samples collected at the World Trade Center shortly after the terrorist attacks. Schneck later concluded that debris and particulate matter he analyzed on the flag were “consistent in content and correct percentages” to debris and particulate matter collected at Ground Zero.

This was a huge break in the investigation. The soil and debris comparison confirmed that the flag had very likely been at Ground Zero.

I was asked to compare the flag and halyard in our custody with the famous photograph taken by Thomas Franklin. A photographic comparison looks for class (general) and individualizing (unique) characteristics between two similar-looking people or objects. In this case, I would be comparing the flag and halyard in our custody to the iconic photograph taken at Ground Zero.

We reached out to the custodian of the photograph and learned that Thomas Franklin captured 24 photographs the afternoon the flag was raised. Many of these photographs have never been made available to the public. The custodian provided copies of all of the photographs to assist us in our investigation.

Having access to all 24 photographs taken by Thomas Franklin allowed us to examine characteristics of the flag and halyard from several different angles as it was being hoisted at Ground Zero.

The halyard that accompanied the flag is very unique. It consists of several sections of 5-8 mm rope wrapped with black electrical tape along with two swivel snap hooks (attached to two ends of the rope). It appeared that the halyard had been hurriedly made and is obviously one-of-a-kind.

After examining the flag and halyard and comparing them to the photographs taken by Thomas Franklin, I found at least six class (general) and six individualizing (unique) characteristics in common between the flag and halyard in our custody and the one seen in photographs and video.

In video captured of the flag-raising sequence, one of the firefighters can be seen wrapping something 16-18 times around the halyard shortly after it was attached to the flag. We believe this is the electrical tape used to hold the halyard together as the upper section of the halyard is wrapped 16 times with electrical tape.

Near the end of our investigation, Brian learned that detectives were looking for him and came forward. During several interviews Brian explained he is a military memorabilia collector. Brian told us in November 2006 he met with a friend who had acquired several boxes containing military memorabilia.

Knowing that Brian is a veteran and flag collector, his friend showed him three American flags that came stored in the boxes. Brian described two of the flags as being large and the third as much smaller and wound tightly in a ball with rope. Brian’s friend gave him all three flags. After taking the flags home, Brian neatly folded and stored them away.

Although he didn’t know it at the time, Brian later realized that the third flag, wrapped tightly by the halyard, was the Ground Zero flag.

In the fall of 2014 Brian learned that the Ground Zero flag was missing while watching a documentary about September 11 on television. The documentary showed pictures of the flag and halyard. After seeing black tape on the halyard, Brian pulled the flag and halyard out and compared them to the images on TV. At that point Brian realized he may be in possession of the iconic Ground Zero flag. A short time later, Brian drove to a nearby fire station and turned the flag and halyard over to firefighters.

Brian had the Ground Zero flag and halyard in his possession since November 2006. Throughout several interviews, Brian was extremely cooperative and instrumental in helping us document the flag’s history after it turned up missing.

After two years of investigation including a soil sample analysis, photographic and video comparisons, peer review, and interviews with witnesses, we concluded that the flag and halyard in our custody were very likely at Ground Zero.

Throughout the investigation, detectives remained in contact with Shirley Dreifus, the sole remaining owner of the Star of America yacht. Her husband had since passed away. After the flag and halyard were authenticated, Shirley Dreifus and Chubb Insurance (insurers of the flag) graciously agreed to release both to the 9/11 Memorial Museum to be cared for and placed on permanent display to the public.

Now retired Everett police officer Eddie Golden worked for the New York Police Department during the terrorist attacks. He assisted with rescue operations within the perimeter of Ground Zero for nine months. Several years after his involvement with September 11, 2001, Officer Golden retired from the NYPD and came to work for the Everett Police Department.

Having such a close connection to the events surrounding Ground Zero, Officer Golden was invited to be present as the flag and halyard were carefully prepared and packaged to be transported to the 9/11 Memorial Museum. Wearing latex gloves, Officer Golden held the flag close to his face and took a deep breath. With tears in his eyes, he turned to Detective Massingale and remarked, “It smells just like I remember it.”

The Everett Police Department accomplished the three main goals of the investigation, which were safeguarding the flag, determining if it was authentic and returning it to the rightful owner. The flag and halyard were safely returned home to New York City and are now on display at the 9/11 Memorial Museum.
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Re: Remember 9/11

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Re: Remember 9/11

Post by E_ »

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Re: Remember 9/11

Post by E_ »

2019 9-11 tribute Lake Cumberland Boaters resized.png
2019 9-11 tribute Lake Cumberland Boaters resized.png (1.54 MiB) Viewed 11603 times
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Re: Remember 9/11

Post by bajababe342 »

Thanks E. I had no idea about some of this. My husband had a cousin that was killed in the Pentagon attack and it’s certainly a day none of us will ever forget.
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Re: Remember 9/11

Post by E_ »

Oh man. :(
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Re: Remember 9/11

Post by Sunset Lady »

Thanks, E. Nice post.
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Re: Remember 9/11

Post by E_ »


Never forget and teach those that don't know. Think about it... There are kids in high school now that were born after. They don't know the life we had before this incident and how things changed in our cities, airports, etc. There are 18 and 20 some year olds that don't carry the memory we carry. This is why we solemnly remember the events 19 years ago. To not only remember those lost and why we as a nation stood together but also to teach those that did not endure it how it can happen. How one evening you go to bed in a nation you'd never expect such a thing and the next day never again do you see the world the same. Just the same as the generations before us taught us the horrors of the World Wars and great depression. It is our duty to ensure those memories and lessons as well as.9-11 continue forward in hope of none of them happen again. As to why we need to be able to put aside our bickering and unite when and if the time calls. Teach them love of their Nation and why those freedoms we enjoy are so precious. Why living those lives the best we can and never going to bed angry or waiting to till the next day to Express our love for each other when we can now. ...Remember 9-11-01

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Re: Remember 9/11

Post by Sunset Lady »

Excellent post, E.
Unfortunately, the way things are today, I'm not sure we will ever be united as a country, like we were then.
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Re: Remember 9/11

Post by E_ »

Many Americans with Each year were TOO young to remember. Make sure they know.
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