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Quote from Matt

Post by E_ »

MATT WALSH 9/3/2015

Kim Davis, the county clerk in Kentucky who refuses to issue gay “marriage” licenses, is now in jail. She was summonsed to court and thrown behind bars until she agrees to issue them.

Progressives can never be taken seriously when they lecture about the “rule of law.” They couldn’t possibly care less about it. If they want “the law” to be obeyed, then why are they crucifying some clerk in some county in Kentucky while celebrating sanctuary cities? And why are they cheering her imprisonment for not signing her name to a piece of paper, yet remaining silent on the multiple felonies committed by Hillary Clinton? Why do they throw stones at a clerk who inconvenienced a few homosexuals, but defend a secretary of state who put our national security at risk by conducting classified business using a private server stored in a bathroom closet?

I mean, the rule of law? THE RULE OF LAW? Sorry for screaming, but I’m afraid my head might explode if I see or hear one more leftist use that term. Where were these progressive proponents of “law” when Barack Obama was illegally enacting the DREAM Act? Where were they when this administration unilaterally and illegally changed Obamacare repeatedly and without congressional consent? Where were they when the IRS was targeting conservative groups? Or when the Department of Justice was prosecuting journalists? Or when Obama was assassinating American citizens?

As a matter of fact, forget all of this, where were they — where was anyone — when this government was running weapons to Syrian terrorists through the consulate in Libya, which led directly to the assassination of an American diplomat, which the administration then lied about in front of the American people? We don’t even talk about that, do we? No, we’re too preoccupied with our mission to hunt down rogue pencil-pushers.

And I wonder how many of these solemn believers in “law” were the same ones making excuses for riots a few months ago? How many are offended by a woman refusing to file paperwork, but were sympathetic to barbarians who burned half a city to the ground?

The hypocrisy is absolutely staggering. These pious little preachers of “law” couldn’t actually give less of a d@mn about the law. This is about dogma. It always has been.

Gay “marriage” is itself nothing but the will of the elites. It is as much a legal abomination as a moral one. Many people have said, “Well, gay ‘marriage’ is the law of the land, so that’s that,” but what they mean is, “Well, five people in Washington support gay ‘marriage,’ so that’s that.” No, that isn’t that. That’s tyranny. That’s injustice. That’s illegal. It might be true that the Supreme Court has, over time, seized the power to write laws and reshape ancient human institutions according to their radical liberal ideologies, but that doesn’t make it law. It might be “law,” but it isn’t law. Just as gay “marriage” might be “marriage,” but it can never be marriage. The whole thing is a travesty, a sham, an outrage.

Kim Davis is not preventing anyone from getting married. For one thing, they can just hop in the car and head on down to the next county. It will take a few minutes, but I suspect they’ll survive. Any gay couples waiting around for this Davis situation to be settled are obviously just trying to make a statement, which is probably why the showed up at the clerk’s office with a camera crew.

I was at first frustrated when I heard that Davis has been divorced three times and conceived children through adultery. It’s despicable and gross that the media is pouring through this woman’s past, vetting her more extensively than they’ve ever vetted a Democratic presidential candidate, but we knew that would happen, just as we knew she’d receive violent death threats and so on. And anyway, it’s out there now. She doesn’t deny it.

Only, we find out, that’s not the case with Kim Davis. In a statement, she owned up to her sins and explained that she just came to Christ four years ago. She didn’t justify or rationalize the divorces, thus she is not guilty of hypocrisy. She is merely guilty of being a sinner, as are we all. In an interview yesterday, she spoke very profoundly about her own faults, saying she had “created a pit of sin with her own hands.” Those do not sound like the words of a woman looking to paint her own evil as different or better than anyone else’s. She is far from a hypocrite, it turns out. She is someone willing to suffer the embarrassment of having her past exposed in front of the world. I get the impression that she sees this as part of her penance, and she will not let the humiliation prevent her from standing while so many others slink away in fear.

So here we are. Kim Davis sits in jail. Gay “marriage” has been illegally imposed on the people. The government is operating outside the bounds of the Constitution, morality and Natural Law. Christians in government are being locked in chains while thugs and crooks run the country. Babies are being murdered and sold for parts, and all with the approval and funding of our leaders in Washington. Cops are being hunted down and murdered in the street while race hustlers openly egg on the killers and the president does nothing to stop it.

This is a nation that has rejected truth, constitutional law and God’s law. Our culture is floating untethered in the abyss, besieged by confusion and moral chaos. If we think we can restore peace and truth by “following the law,” I believe we are in for a rude awakening. The law is dead. We are left with two choices: follow truth, or obey the dictates of our culture and the godless tyrants who lead it.

Kim Davis took door No. 1, and it landed her behind bars.

Where will it take us if we open it?

I think we will soon find out.
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Re: Quote from Matt

Post by Nebrios »

In jail...really..oh the hipocrasy. Put her in jail cause she won't let me get married,but I'll buy gas from someone who believes I should be killed for being gay...oh wait a minute,that's now a conflict of interest to talk about Muslims and them closet sinners..and look at that...my bleeping phone capitalize the Koran followers...hot d@mn it even capitalized that religion that allows men to have sex with boys if a woman or young child daughter isn't available.. Stay true Christians. There shall be no gray areas,only black and white.
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