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Hell, it's only money!

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 9:08 am
by Nervous Wreck
Auditors Say Feds Needlessly Wasted $43 Billion.


The $43 billion identified by the IG’s in 2014 is just the tip of the iceberg. The Center for American Progress estimates that annual tax gap—what Americans owe the IRS—is between $400 billion and $500 billion. All in, the government wastes close to $800 billion every year. Enough to fix every road and bridge, invest in jobs and the future, and really help those who need it most.

Every time the IG’s conduct an investigation, they issue a report with recommendations for ways the agencies can improve and potentially save money through better management practices.

This year, CIGIE said that taken together, all of the auditors’ recommendations this year would result in about $32 billion in savings, The Washington Examiner first reported. Recommendations typically include telling agencies to ramp up their oversight or come up with a new policy that will help them run more efficiently.

ref: ... ar-BBhkCTZ

Re: Hell, it's only money!

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 9:23 am
by E_
How much did we pay THEM to tell us what we knew. lol