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another nail in the coffin

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 11:46 am
by $parechange
IT was just yesterday that I wrote "what's next, stay tuned" I had no idea there would be a "next " so soon!

On June 24, the news media and the Obama government will become ONE. The ABC news broadcasts that day will originate in the Blue Room of the White House! The subject is the President's Health Care Bill, and there will be NO opposing viewpoints!!!! The description of this event on The Drudge Report sounds like there will be several broadcasts on this subject that day, all from the WH, and all on the same subject!

I can't believe I'm actually writing sounds like Venezuela and Hugo Chavez' government!!! Are we far behind? IS IT TIME YET???

PLease be and stay Glenn Beck every day. It's hard to watch, but we must be informed as to what is happening. At the right time we will know what to do if we keep our eyes on God and listen for His direction!!!
Jill W.Rhodes