Well at least THEY are happy

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Well at least THEY are happy

Post by E_ »

Associated Press/Bullit Marquez - Muslim students pose before a throng of photographers shortly after "voting" in the mock U.S. election at a shopping mall at suburban Quezon city, northeast of Manila, Philippines …more Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2012. Filipinos participated in a mock U.S. elections between President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney which was organized by the U.S. Embassy in Manila. (AP Photo/Bullit Marquez

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Re: Well at least THEY are happy

Post by Jaybird »

All I will say is that "I am very disappointed in my fellow Americans." But we must go on.
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Re: Well at least THEY are happy

Post by E_ »

It won't be long before the movie Idiocracy comes true.

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Re: Well at least THEY are happy

Post by Jaybird »

Sometimes I think this guy has gone off the deep end. But he might have come close to nailing it here in RIP America!!
The only issue I have with him is I really don't understand what he is saying sometimes. :-\
I deleted his name and email address, but he probably would welcome anyone to know who he is. B-)
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The Election

Last night and early this morning I did my duty. I watched, listened, absorbed, analyzed and prepared so that I could write this and speak of it. It was painful, but I watched through the acceptance speech.

I coined the phrase pragmatic realist once to describe myself. I’m conservative. I’m libertarian. I’m also a common sense pragmatic realist. Unlike the radio, I feel comfortable writing here: “There is no Santa Claus.” The reality hasn't changed. This country’s problems are still here this morning and there is no snap your fingers solution.

We awake this morning a divided country and with daunting challenges. Yet, a majority of this country chose the man who increased the divide and deepened the fiscal crisis and created foreign policy disasters, to solve the problems we face?

Considering the state of the country, the record of Barack Obama as President and all the reasons not to re-elect Barack Obama, America re-elected him. Why? How can this happen? I’ll tell you how.

It’s much deeper than the campaigns, the candidates and the record of Barack Obama. His reelection based upon the evidence is as Spock would say- “illogical.” It is my opinion his reelection is proof America has now gone past the point of reversing the course of decline George Bush, Barack Obama and the Congress serving since 2000 has set. That course is one of more and more government and centralization of everything (Banking, Health Care, Energy) until we reach the socialization and then collapse of America.

Once again, blacks, Hispanics, young voters and women decided the election and they decided more Obama. The fact all of these groups now have disastrous job pictures and they still voted for Obama helps prove my thesis. Just like I watched the Democratic Convention in shock as they couldn't pass a voice vote to put God back into their platform, I watched the cheering crowd in Chicago. What did I see? I didn't see me. I didn't see you. I saw the new majority coalition which now controls national politics and will never give it back. In fact, they are increasing their numbers through more states legalizing gay marriage, pot and illegal immigration. This group is the liberals, green energy morons, single women who want taxpayers to pay for their contraceptives and abortions, students who want taxpayers to pay for their college, public union workers who want taxpayer paid wages and pension, union workers who want more even if it kills the employer, people who are more and more secular and don’t believe in God, blacks and Hispanics who believe race is more important than their employment percentages, gays who want to be married to each other, individuals who want unlimited unemployment and/or unlimited medical care and prescription drugs and/or unlimited government disability and/or unlimited government food stamps and housing, young people who are transfixed and enamored with a decadent hip hop culture which has now not only permeated the pop culture scene, they control it, and many other various assortments of oddballs and goofballs.

Juan Williams announced with glee that the blue collar voting block for Republicans is gone. Yes. It is. Why? Because they continue to lose jobs and the liberal coalition. In Ohio, union workers and bailout supporters overwhelmingly went Obama. The time has come as in Rome- games and the public gift of “bread.” Obama and the democrats use our money to buy votes for votes against us. A ratchet at it’s best.

The Americans who believe in hard work, God, capitalism, the constitution, business, less government, jobs, strong economy, strong military, traditional American values- all which made America great, have lost control of the country forever. We are now a minority and will remain so because the coalition will never change course. They increase their numbers while ours decline forever.

In the forefront of this new America is the traditional network and print media which has chosen to lose their integrity and ignore or obfuscate the serious issues in this country, the personal narrative and record of Barack Obama. It is bizarre. The media and liberal famous people would rather have their liberal black President rather than the man who can do the job. They will kill the Golden Goose so all we have is goose crap.

I marvel how countless single issues should have defeated Obama by themselves. For example, the number of food stamp recipients and unemployed. Or this one for me. He admitted he’s lazy. What? America accepts a lazy man for the most important office in America. I’ll not give the other 1,000 facts I've given for four years. You know them.

Polls showed Romney won the issues of values, vision and leadership. Good for a President? He lost?! They blame George Bush still for a bad economy. Four years later. And the voters agree! Watch, they will blame in 2016.

And, watch. All the work together stuff is BS. Obama will now face a backlash on Sandy, Libya and more. The House has subpoena power and they will use. The media and the coalition may not care. They have proven having the liberal black man, lazy or not, in the office.

Like the scorpion whose character is not going to change like the zebra whose stripes aren't changing, Obama, Reid, Boehner, and company will all stake out their positions consistent with who they are and what they have been.

I weep for America.

I’ll now provide comments on various issues relative to the campaign:

-Obama has no mandate. He’s a lame duck on arrival.

-With the GOP in control of the house (thank God), we remain where we are.

-The GOP with their Akin, Mourdock, McMahon Senate candidates, like in 2012, screw up a second chance to remove Reid as majority leader.

-Voters saw themselves- 25% liberal, 40% moderate and 35% conservative. I think this is BS. I think we are 50/50 liberal/conservative.

-Romney made the fatal mistake of allowing his opponent unmitigated define him for months in August and September.

-Romney would have been a great President. He’s a good man. But, 50 plus one rejected him for all the reasons that Obama’s campaign said they should. (See my coalition analysis).

-Let me say it. Liberal diversity is not good for this country. It’s not race, nationality, creed and religious diversity that harms America. Everyone supports this. It’s liberal diversity.

-Billion dollar campaign? Super PACs? 4 year campaigns? Exit polls. Polling every day. Campaigns for President have become an exercise in “machinery” which is rather scary. You hear the campaigns say: “We know who the voters are, how they think and we have them.” It’s insane.

-Since Romney lost Florida, Virginia and Ohio maybe it doesn't matter, but Ryan didn't even win Romney Wisconsin. He turned out to be a poor choice.

-Mobsters will beat boy scouts every time.

-Justice Roberts. Obamacare. What if it was found unconstitutional?

-Fox Coverage was terrible! Megan Kelly is a lightweight. Karl Rove made a scene rejecting the call of Ohio. Brett Baier had to keep saying “we are on the same page.”

-Barone, Morris and Bulldog have egg on their face.

-Obamacare and all the regulatory agencies Obama controls will strangle us. Just watch.

-Colorado had legalization of marijuana on ballot. It passed. What voters did that bring out? Obama won there.

-Same sex marriage passed in Washington, Maryland and Main. (Rest my case the course the country is on.)

-Herman Cain would have won!
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Re: Well at least THEY are happy

Post by E_ »

Wow, I finally got to read that. So much is SOOOO true in what was pasted above.
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Re: Well at least THEY are happy

Post by Nervous Wreck »

I pulled this from the above:

"The Americans who believe in hard work, God, capitalism, the constitution, business, less government, jobs, strong economy, strong military, traditional American values- all which made America great, have lost control of the country forever. We are now a minority and will remain so because the coalition will never change course. They increase their numbers while ours decline forever."

:( It's a sad day in America folks! :(

Just my opinion of course.
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Re: Well at least THEY are happy

Post by Pop-O »

Yep,agree! We have 1 or 2 children, they have a house full and then the taxpayers support em. You tell me how much longer that situation can continue?

We won't see another Republican president for a long time.
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Re: Well at least THEY are happy

Post by E_ »

Jaybird wrote:, union workers who want more even if it kills the employer,
http://www.nbcnews.com/business/no-more ... -1C7073316#
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Re: Well at least THEY are happy

Post by JLA »

Hostess closed the Cincinnati plant this week. I own a store that has not recieved a delivery from Hostess since last Tuesday. Butternut Bread, also owned by I.C.B., has their bakers on stike and I have had to find other suppliers for some of my bread products. They have been on thin ice for some time now.
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Re: Well at least THEY are happy

Post by E_ »

I finally figured out what happened in 2012, 2008 many did it because they believed him and because it was cool.

In 2012 I couldn't figure it out.
...till now.


http://www.ncnn.com/edit-news/8187-3000 ... oter-rolls LOL
http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the ... -of-votes/
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