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How to post pictures/videos/files on this site

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 5:45 pm
by E_
Go to start a new topic
button_topic_new.gif (1.14 KiB) Viewed 4593 times
or hit post reply
button_topic_reply.gif (1.21 KiB) Viewed 4593 times
to a existing topic (or hit the "full editor"
button - full editor.GIF
button - full editor.GIF (1.86 KiB) Viewed 4593 times
button at the bottom of a topic that has quick reply)

Now that you are in the edit mode just scroll down below the white text area and go to the browse - upload part
Attach files.JPG
Attach files.JPG (88.62 KiB) Viewed 4593 times
Now browse to a file you want to attach and open it - I think thus far I have almost every picture type supported as well was WMV, mpg, mpeg, and other video types and also some document types like PDFs, Word documents, etc.
Attach files2.JPG
Attach files2.JPG (105.17 KiB) Viewed 4593 times

Now you can either hit the Submit button
button -  submit.JPG
button - submit.JPG (1.17 KiB) Viewed 4593 times
(make sure you have some text in the typing area first) to just submit that file/pic or you can hit the add the file button
Button - Add the file.JPG
Button - Add the file.JPG (1.58 KiB) Viewed 4593 times
to go ahead and upload that file and have more options to edit your text or add more files.

If you choose to add more files you can browse for more files and add them the same way as you did above.

You can also place the files within your text by placing the cursor where you want it and then hitting the Place Inline button
Button - Place in line.JPG
Button - Place in line.JPG (1.55 KiB) Viewed 4593 times
next to the file name you choose:

If you have trouble resizing pictures and you have a PC please read below for what I have found to be the easiest way.

Install this on your PC, Just try one of these and if it does not work try the other.
32 bit - ... .1_x86.msi
64 bit - ... .1_x64.msi

then select all your pictues, right click and resize them to 700x700 (that should get most screens)
Check the boxes to make smaller but not larger and leave the other box unchecked.
Resize.JPG (55.27 KiB) Viewed 4593 times
When you hit ok all the pictures you had selected will be resized to the smaller size and will have the name "custom" at the end of them so it did not resize the actual files you had seleced but created new ones. ;) Now upload those new custom ones as they are all sized correctly.

Its VERY easy. Just give it a try. If you have any questions just start a new topic in the general talk area and we will assist.

Re: How to post pictures/videos/files on this site

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 5:58 pm
by E_
Now to post hosted picture files just take the link to the picture

Such as this one ... ies/26.gif
select it and copy it.

Then go to your thread and hit the IMG button and then hit paste
(the IMG button is just under the subject line)

Re: How to post pictures/videos/files on this site

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 8:30 am
by E_
TTT for those with questions on resizing pictures. It is at the bottom of the first post in this thread above. PS most of the ones I have posted here lately I used 800x800 on the resize.

Re: How to post pictures/videos/files on this site

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 10:09 am
by E_