Severe Flooding, weather alert

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Severe Flooding, weather alert

Post by Dolphin »

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Caveats: FOUO

Sunday afternoon/evening update

Easy sign-up now for the email list - for your friends or family - just click
< ... d/BeauDods

Catastrophic flood event is unfolding...

Severe weather outbreak on Monday afternoon into Monday night - all modes of
severe weather possible - tornado risk

Severe weather outbreak possible on Tuesday afternoon into Wednesday evening
- timing will need to be fine tuned in the coming days - a tornado outbreak
is forecast for portions of the Lower Ohio and Tennessee Valley...

This flood event is going to be similar to the 2009 ice storm (meaning we are
dealing with an event that we have not experienced in most of our lifetimes
and it could impact a large number of people - this is NOT in reference to
power outages).

Widespread flooding may impact significant numbers of people in our region -
Ohio and Tennessee Valley...

Check latest river crest levels and monitor local media for updates on this
River Crests
< ... 110f1a1b2b>
Also here
< ... 2a/wfo=pah>
Alerts and recommendations:

Media: Please bring as much awareness as possible to the potential of flash
flooding and flooding on area rivers. NOW is the time to prepare for major
rises on area rivers. This could be an historic event. People need to

Schools: HEAVY emphasis on reminding students to avoid flooded roadways.
Also pay close attention to the potential for severe weather Monday afternoon
through Wednesday. All modes of severe weather could impact the region -
including tornadoes. Review severe weather safety plans and measures.
Refresh NOAA Weather Radio batteries.

Emergency management and first responders: Be prepared for flash flooding
and water rescue. I recommend a heightened state of alert for potential
problems. Also - severe storms during this pattern may provide little
advanced notice. Storms in this environment can quickly spin up tornadoes.
As we have seen over the last three days with numerous reports of damage in
the region.

General public: Check river crest levels. Evacuations will be necessary in
some areas. Plan NOW if you believe you are in a flood prone area. Listen
to NOAA Weather Radio for watches/warnings. Listen to your favorite severe
weather information source for changes in weather forecasts and conditions.
We have reports of children playing in flood waters - please work together to
warn against and prevent this from happening.

Report all severe weather to local law enforcement or the National Weather
Service. Refresh NOAA Weather Radio batteries.


Best advice - have a NOAA Weather Radio and monitor changes in the weather
throughout the next 4 days - I don't know any other way to put it.

We are in a dangerous (as you can see) weather pattern - I will update the
blog and the Facebook page as much as possible. Remember these emails are
for a heads up alert only - not for watches and warnings.

Stay tuned!

If you receive this email in duplicate then I apologize - just delete the

I will keep this short

An historic flood is forecast for portions of the Mississippi and Ohio River
basin. We could - potentially - be looking at water levels greater (in some
counties) than the 1995 and 1997 flood. This will be dependent on just how
much rain falls in the coming days. Some counties may approach the 1937
water levels.

Certainly this is a concern for emergency management officials and everyone
in the region. Please stay updated on forecasts.

If you have friends or family with interest along area rivers then advice
them to take precautionary measures - now.

Emergency management and fire officials request that you please avoid flooded

I will do a video update on Sunday morning - after 10 am
< ... 8/BeauDods

I will update the blog
< ... a/BeauDods
43/BeauDodson/3978a1d86f/565e13cb6c/e7cedfeeee> and more frequently the
Facebook page
< ... e/BeauDods

I have a graphic here - click the time period you would like to view -
24/48/72/120 hours - rainfall
Rainfall Graphic
< ... f/BeauDods

Flash flood watches and warnings blanket the area.

Here are some links that you might find useful

Radar - we will be running all the radars today - interactive ones and the
high resolution radar
< ... f/BeauDods

Watches and warnings ... werohvalle
< ... 8/BeauDods

Additional link for watches and warnings (click your area)
< ... a/BeauDods

Streaming audio to listen to area storm spotters
< ... 5/BeauDods

Listen to NOAA Weather Radio and local media sources for the most up to date
information on watches and warnings as this event unfolds.

Next email update will be on Sunday evening or Monday morning.

Meteorologist Beau Dodson
McCracken County Office of Emergency Management
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Pre2012-Conley Bottom Mostly, Waitsboro, Alligator I&II ramps, Leesford, Pulaski County Park (when it has water), Grider, State Dock (via boat), and Jamestown are a few places you might find me.
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Re: Severe Flooding, weather alert

Post by E_ »

Raining now in Leesburg and looks like more on the way around tuesday... WOW!
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Re: Severe Flooding, weather alert

Post by Captain Bob »

If you live in the Louisville area, you will need this: ... ,1,1,1,1,1"

And, for the Cincy area: ... gage=ccno1
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Marina/Ramp: Currently mostly out of Jamestown but spend a lot of time at the other Marinas.

Pre2012-Conley Bottom Mostly, Waitsboro, Alligator I&II ramps, Leesford, Pulaski County Park (when it has water), Grider, State Dock (via boat), and Jamestown are a few places you might find me.
Location: Kentucky (Lake Cumberland)

Re: Severe Flooding, weather alert

Post by E_ »

I'm starting to wonder if the River Boat race will be able to happen. The Belle of Cincinnati already can't get under the bridge..
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