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FYI Help on Lake Cumberland

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 10:36 am
by Captain Ron
Just an all the boaters on Lake Cumberland. I was out on the lake with the family over the weekend when my engine broke down. I could not get it started and ran the battery down trying. Anyway We was assisted by a group of volunteers called the U.S. Water Patrol they are a great group of people who use there own money and boats to help boaters in distress they do everything from First Aid, to Security patrols. Anyway they took me into tow and towed me back to the marina a few miles away and they did not charge me or take any money I offered them. I just wanted to pass this along to you all and let you know about this group. They are great to have on the lake. From what I understand they are looking for a place to open a station here on Lake Cumberland We can use them here.

Re: FYI Help on Lake Cumberland

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:30 pm
by MarineAssist
So you are from Louisville, and this is your first post. It seems almost troll like.

OK, so you want to get on here and plug the US Water Patrol. Fine.

First of all, you need to understand this USWP is not a professional organization. The name sounds official, and maybe they even have an official looking sticker or banner on the boat and possibly even a secret handshake, but make no mistake, this is an organization of wannabees. It is like a security guard run amok. These are volunteers wanting to go out and help others under the guise of a common, official sounding name and a uniform. This is dangerous because the people they are helping are assuming they are getting help from professionals who are trained in what they do and have the proper equipment for a safe encounter. That is not at all true. I am sure their hearts are in the right place, but there are issues with what they are doing.

These folks are not recognized by any official agency and have recently been required to leave the waterfront on the Ohio River by the City of Louisville. They have now moved their base of operation to Jeffersonville, IN., but who knows for how long. They claim to have Homeland Security support as their primary objective, but they do not require anything to be a member and are not called upon by any governmental agency in that capacity. Their members are not required to have any formal training at all, other than a CPR class and a background check. There are no equipment requirements for their boats, and their personnel are not licensed or endorsed for vessel assistance by the US Coast Guard, the governing entity of the US waterways.

These folks are setting themselves up for a lawsuit from the first assistance call that goes bad.

All they do is erode at the customer base of legitimate business by giving the false impression they will be here when you need them. That is also not the case. They may be around when they want to be.... holidays, nice weather weekends, etc., but more then likely not when a person is truly in need.

If there are people here involved in this venture, I would strongly suggest they really evaluate what they are doing. If you really want to be involved in a group that helps others on the water, join the Coast Guard Auxiliary. They truly are helpful and work within guidelines designed to keep everybody safe. If you want to be a good Samaritan and tow a boater in now and then, do it as a good sam, not wearing a uniform and claiming to be something you are not. It will bite you in the arse.

If you want to do it right, see me. I can always use another captain, but we will train you correctly, get you licensed, give you the proper equipment, insure you and then you even get paid.

As for expecting to be towed in off the water for free like it is some sort of earned welfare assistance, good luck. It may or may not happen. If you want it done right, professionally, insured and anytime you need it, $95 per year is as close as you can get to free.

You know I moved here because everybody I talked to said Cumberland NEEDS a tow service badly. So I get here, open up, offer an inexpensive way to help people and ever since people have gone to extremes to not support the service I started to help all of YOU to begin with.

Re: FYI Help on Lake Cumberland

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:36 pm
by re3too
AMEN, Don! :ymapplause: :ymapplause:

Re: FYI Help on Lake Cumberland

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:51 pm
by E_
I'm hoping Captain Ron is not a troll. I had responded to the post with a "that sounds nice" post but then all the issues Marine Assist brought up went through my mind and I deleted my post. It appears Marine Assist came along later, saw the post and replied and I agree with all he has to say. Captain Ron, If you are not affiliated with this group I say I am glad you got a free good sam tow and that is great but I would also worry about issues like what Marine Assist mentions.

Re: FYI Help on Lake Cumberland

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 1:24 am
by Captain Ron
To Marine Assist: Yes I work and live in Louisville and I work in Jamestown as well during the summer months I also spend more time on Lake Cumberland then anywhere else. I'm not plugging anyone including the US Water Patrol. However if you wish to call it that fine. I just wanted to pass along what I consider good people doing good.

I don't know that much about them other then they helped us when we needed it; Also I have not heard of them until they helped us. and it looked like they knew what they where doing to me.

I did have a good chat with the 2 men and woman that crewed the boat that helped us. And from what I understand they aren't the bad guys you make them out to be. But you got me curious about them and I'll do some checking around today to see what they are all about.

It sounds like you have had a bad experiences with them If they are indeed "security guards run amok" as you say then they need to be disbanded and put out of business. And as a Lawyer I will lead the fight.

But first I want to know the facts and like I said I'll look into it and will pass along what I find out.

To E_Hillman: No I am not affiliated with this group. But from my first experience with them I do respect what they do and support them at this point and time.

Re: FYI Help on Lake Cumberland

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:52 am
by E_
Thanks for the clarification Ron and welcome to the forum!

Re: FYI Help on Lake Cumberland

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 1:05 pm
by Lock5
Welcome Captain Ron and thanks for the info.

Re: FYI Help on Lake Cumberland

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:12 pm
by MarineAssist
OK, here is a story written about them in 07 and they made the WHAS news.

Direct link where blog was located that included this info … a33c0.html

Unsanctioned agency patrols river

05:52 PM EDT on Wednesday, May 23, 2007

LOUISVILLE, Ky. -- They buy their military uniforms at thrift stores and add their own patch. Make no mistake, the U.S. Water Patrol is not a government agency, but a private group with boats in five states.

If your boat runs out of gas or has problems, they are standing by to help. But as I discovered today, that's not their main mission.

“We're not trying to play police. We're not trying to play government."

But Larry Sakai’s homegrown Homeland Security operation blurs the line between concerned citizen and law enforcement. What in the heck is the U.S. Water Patrol?

“The U.S. Water Patrol is an all volunteer 501C3 organization." Sakai says he started the group eight years ago to help boaters in distress, but their main mission changed to homeland security on 9/11. Their web site includes disclaimers that it’s not a federal agency, but it shows their leaders in uniform and describes surveillance operations near possible terrorist targets.

The Metro Police River Patrol has no problem with Good Samaritans helping other boaters on the river. Where their concern comes in is when that group appears to be an official government agency and isn't, wearing uniforms and piloting boats with markings like this.

One boat is a former Fish & Wildlife vessel. Nothing about the U.S. Water Patrol logo or the words “Homeland Security" indicates these are volunteers. Police say when one member was seen with a gun and launching a boat in a restricted area of the river during Thunder Over Louisville, the police river patrol stepped in.

“They encountered the folks, told them the Coast Guard wanted them removed from the river," says Major Rodney Milburne of Metro Police. "They complied after a few minutes."

U.S. Water Patrol, a U.S. flag or kind of a stars and stripes -- you can understand why people would think that.

“I guess I could see that," Sakai admits. “Like I said, I’ve only had one or two people ask if we was government."

Sakai tells me officials have known about his group and haven't expressed concerns about those markings in the past. "ut, yeah, I guess it wouldn't hurt to put an all-volunteer organization on there somewhere, now that you mention it," he says.

Sakai has filed a complaint with police about what happened during Thunder Over Louisville.

If you plan to be on the Ohio over Memorial Day weekend, keep an eye out for the U.S. Water Patrol. They say they'll be keeping an eye out for you.

Re: FYI Help on Lake Cumberland

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:48 pm
by MarineAssist
Since the above "incident", they have gone to unmarked boats for "stealth attacks" and have been run off in Louisville. They also have a horse mounted unit. :-?

Re: FYI Help on Lake Cumberland

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 3:42 pm
by Lock5
Hey Don, I towed someone during last years poker run..... does that make me a bad guy? I also paid you $200 to bring me 5 gallons of gas last year...... does that make you a bad guy? I say no to both questions.

Sounds to me like Captain Ron recieved some help and for that I say thanks to whomever it was.

Re: FYI Help on Lake Cumberland

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 4:24 pm
by MarineAssist
I think you are missing the point Lock. It has nothing to do with "good guy/bad guy".

My take on this is pretending to be official when you are not just makes you an a$$ and a nuisance and gives people the false impression they can be called upon anytime as professionals. They are not and cannot. If you want to go help somebody, go do it, but don't pretend to be something you are not.

One thing all official agencies have in common is not competing with private enterprise. This is because they know people making a living at a particular trade, especially in marine commercial assistance are doing it right and are truly available ALL the time. They meet all the guidelines to do the job correctly. There is even a written policy drafted and accepted by all the marine police, F&W, Coast Guard and other governmental agencies regarding commercial assistance. Would you like to read it?

You paid me $175 for the 1 hour of service and $25 for the gas you used. This was 2 years ago. You did not have a membership then, and I don't think you have purchased one since. I appreciate the support, but the membership purchase is where the true support for the business lies and it is the cheapest way to get professional help. You opted not to buy the membership and that's fine. You even said at the time you should have, but didn't. What can I say?

There was no "US Water Patrol" or Good Sam or anyone else to help you at the time, and that is again my point. I dropped what I was doing, drove to the marina, took out the boat and brought you the fuel you needed with no questions asked. It could have been in the middle of the night or the middle of the winter, It doesn't matter. It is what I do. There are expenses involved with it, and that is where the charge comes from. Some folks understand this and some do not.

People here on the water expect things to be free. It is about the stupidest thing I have heard of to think that another boater OWES them a free tow. It is nice if you get one, but to EXPECT it is ridiculous. You don't see people running up and down the roads with tow straps on the highway towing cars around! Heck people are all the time buying AAA or other motoring plans for their cars and "Good Sam RV Plans" for their RV's, but when it comes to a boat... that should be free and that idiot Marine Assist guy is greedy.

Everytime a boater sees another boater being towed in by a fish and wildlife boat, a "US Water Patrol" boat, the CG Auxiliary a marina work boat or anybody else that appears "official", it hurts the ONLY TRUE tow service you have here and will cause them to second guess whether they need a membership or not. Then you have issues when that person actually calls for help expecting that marina, F&W or other assistance to come to them, only to find out they won't or cannot.

I cannot afford to be the company that is called upon when all other alternatives are exhausted.

Re: FYI Help on Lake Cumberland

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 4:36 pm
by Lock5
For the record I wasn't complaining about the fees I paid you. I wasn't and still am not a member of your services, if I run out of gas again I fully expect to pay $200 again to get it.

My comment was to say it's not a bad thing to help someone out, I believe in Karma.

Re: FYI Help on Lake Cumberland

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 4:57 pm
by E_
lol, then you both agree. and I agree someone acting like a govt. agency and being odd about it is kinda freaky to me. ;)

Re: FYI Help on Lake Cumberland

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:52 am
by Captain Ron
As I stated in my last post I would look into the US Water Patrol . After a few phone calls, and E-mails I have The have the following information About the Organization. It is as follows.

1. Their legal name: United States Water Patrol Inc, Founded 1999 in Louisville, KY. They are also known as U.S. Water Patrol, and USWP. USWPMP
2. They are registered with the state of Kentucky as a 501c3 Non Profit organization Granted 2002
3.They are registered with the IRS as a Homeland Security & Public Safety Organization Granted 2002
4. There main office of Incorporation is in Louisville, KY. They have other offices are in: Jacksonville, FL. Chicago, IL. St. Louis MO. West Point, KY. Portage MI. Cincinnati, OH. Bloomington, IN. Las Vegas NV.
5. They have approximately 85 members
6. They also have a Mounted Patrol as well

The U.S. Coast Guard knows of them and meets with them at least once a year, To date has had no complaints and/or issues with the group.

I also spoke with the Louisville Metro police They know of them but could not give me any information on them other then they have had no complaints on them.
However they had one issue with them in 2009 the USWP was ordered off the Ohio River due to them not having a business license It was later cleared up and found that No business license was required (A misunderstanding)
Also a TV news in Louisville did a story on the group and reported that the group was posing as a Government agency because they wore uniforms and used the name United States and had a shield in there logo. They also reported that the group was a organized Militia.

I spoke with the U.S. Water Patrol and was invited to come to their office in Louisville and they would allow me to look at all documents and records they have. Also I was told that Every member must have training and train regularly Every member must provide a police report when joining. And lastly over the last 12 years have been investigated and or checked out by the U.S. Cost Guard Investigations unit, IRS, DHLS, FBI. in 2001

I found no pending or past legal action or registered complaints on them.

To summarize I found nothing that would suggest that the group is nothing more then a organized group of volunteer men and women doing what they believe is good helping others for whatever reason.

It is not my intention to defend and/or recommend this or any other organization to anyone It is up to the people to decide if what they do is safe, just and helpful. like the USCG, USCG Aux, and Power Squadron.

As for me I am thankful for their help what they do and wish them the best.

I can see where any organization that helps boaters with free towing and or other services can be viewed as a treat to business's that needs money for their service to survive.

I think I spent more time on this then I want or needed too.

Re: FYI Help on Lake Cumberland

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:05 am
by E_

Re: FYI Help on Lake Cumberland

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:36 am
by ARC7699
For what it's worth I was helped by the water patrol last year while I was out on KY lake my boat broke down and I beached my boat and could not get the boat going or off the beach another boater came by a few hours later and tried to help but we still could not get anything done they called the us water patrol for help and they came out and was able to get me off the island and towed me back to the KY side of the lake I was not charged for there help and it took over 4 hours and was treated very respectfully and they was professional in there actions All I will say is I was glad they was around. And I think that marine assist is mad because they are loosing money

Re: FYI Help on Lake Cumberland

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:40 am
by E_
Just a FYI Captain Ron aka Arc7699...

We do know when the same person posts from a different ID ;)

Re: FYI Help on Lake Cumberland

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:45 am
by Lock5
I smell a rat, and that's bad because it has to smell pretty bad for it to come through this little computer cable.

Re: FYI Help on Lake Cumberland

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:07 am
by gumby
Grabbing my popcorn.....

:-? /:)

Re: FYI Help on Lake Cumberland

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:30 am
by E_
MarineAssist wrote:So you are from Louisville, and this is your first post. It seems almost troll like.

lol, I felt a disturbance in the force but was not totally sure. Looks like you called it. :-?

Re: FYI Help on Lake Cumberland

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:23 am
by MarineAssist
At first I thought it might have been Whitenights friend, but the obvious flubs in grammer to start with, then to say he is a lawyer later on with perfect spelling and such and then to come back under another name with the same bad grammer as the original sealed the deal for me. Not quite sure what the goal was there except to maybe look for volunteer recruits?

I'll "pass" on the Kool Aid they are giving their members. ;)

Like I said before I really have no problem with anybody helping someone else as long as they are all comfortable with it. I just don't like the whole trying to look like "we are the government and are here to help you" approach.

Re: FYI Help on Lake Cumberland

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:45 am
by Lock5
MarineAssist wrote: "we are the government and are here to help you"

That's funny right there, and that's all I'm saying about it.

Re: FYI Help on Lake Cumberland

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 3:10 pm
by DMS
I've towed them in...I've been towed in. On thing for sure, the night we spent stranded across the lake in December with cold rain, highwinds,whitecaps and not another soul in sight till next morning...I wouldve hitched a ride with the devil as long as we left there. Thank you Mr. Fishermen but d@mn that 65 Chrysler outboard.

Re: FYI Help on Lake Cumberland

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 4:37 pm
by JabezBoy
I'm with Gumby. Is there a hot dog stand? Cold beer vendor?? Hysterical!

Re: FYI Help on Lake Cumberland

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:44 pm
by E_
Wow, I'm just a little slow. Of course I figured out Capt Ron and ARC7699 but Now I just paid attention to the member list and saw as Capt Ron's e-mail address. Hmm they have a mounted division... lol

And then before him was uswaterpatrol that joined the forum from 7*.132.48.193 with the "Captain" registering from 7*.132.54.91..... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm lol And of course I'm sure you have figured out that ARC had the same IP as C Ron.
(I have placed an * over one of the numbers to protect them (thought not required by law) but I assure you where the * is is the same number)

Sooooooo, with that being said and with the untruths given to us I am now going to ban all 3 IDs.

I would not have done this if we were not given the beginning false story, then the denial when Marine Assist AND I both asked if they were affiliated and then the registration under another ID by the same person to "back up" their own story and bash one of our respected members and then to also notice the uswaterpatrol login being the same... Not to mention the whole act of being a "lawyer" lol and giving us that brilliant and slanted run down as a supposed third party recipient of services....

If they would have just shown up, said what they do, and then politely debated when countered/questioned by Marine Assist I would have never had an issue with it.

Oh and I must admit when I saw US Water Patrol joined I went to their website and thought myself that they were a legit US Govt agency so I now TOTALLY get what Marine Assist has stated. I myself would not want such individuals near my boat or secretly staring at me via the ole binoculars.

Guess I just need to go ahead and complete my Coast Guard Aux app to step myself one up on em... lol Waterwings and I went to the same meeting but then I failed to follow through.

SOooooooooo, now instead of helping their cause the US Water Patrol have given themselves one more black eye. I will be SURE to share this info with the mods/admins of as well. ;)

Re: FYI Help on Lake Cumberland

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:12 pm
by Captain Bob
A visit to this group's website reveals a lot of "interesting" material.. For example:


The Special Service Corps of the United States Water Patrol.
The mission of the Special Service Corps is to Observe, Monitor, and Report any suspicious activity that may pose a threat by assisting in Homeland Security and Antiterrorism surveillance We operate on both land and water in marked and unmarked boats, and land vehicles. We Do Not Intervene unless their is a Direct and Immediate Danger to Life. {Folks on Lake Cumberland already complain when sworn Officers in marked boats from real agencies monitor the lake.}

Team Members can be deployed anywhere anytime as needed.

The unit monitors activities
Around Locks, Dams, bridges, Power stations, Water treatment Plants, Ports, Shipyards, Reservoirs, Airfields, Chemical Plants and Rail Roads. In short anywhere or anything that is subject to a terrorist attack.

We operate in and out of uniform. The majority of the team’s activities are done under cover and out of sight. {Wonder what those activites are?}

We will use any and every tactic possible to get the job done and to make the United States Safer for all Americans ." {Wonder what is included in "tactic" and what the "job" includes?}

---Kinda sounds like some of the Militia groups we have in Kentucky. (Highlighted items) On the other hand, if they ARE protecting us from terrorists on the Ohio River or Lake Cumberland, I suppose we should be thankful. A mounted patrol along the shoreline would seem to be a good idea. Perhaps they could provide security at the Marinas?

There is a lot of flag-waving on that site that seems to imply "official status" or recognition from Government Agencies and the quote from former president Kennedy is kinda strange but Adm. Saikai, you really do need to run a spell-checker on some of your pages.